Monday, December 24, 2012

Wood Working Tools (T-bevel/string/chisel)

Nineteen, ... yes at least 19 principle pieces in this project. It is taking me forever,.. (approaching 100 hours on it so far, this includes the rough draft and experimentation on techniques).  I have just one last principle piece left, but otherwise I am liking what I see.   I have gone back and corrected many shadows and reflections.

In all honesty, I am somewhat proud of it so far,... (I think I am approaching an acceptable skill level where I can be more proud of offering my work as a gift).

Here are the new additions,....

(a little rope, an awl and a chisel)

                                                              (a tin of assorted drill bits)

                                                                                                               (and a vintage t-bevel)

I also tweaked the note in the center by adding a few tears and curls to make it look worn, and will add the text I have written to it soon. 

For those who do not know,  I tend to be obsessive about my work when I am in front of it, (heck , even when I am away from it), I constantly imagine corrections and different techniques or methods of attaining a particular look for a texture. In this project there are an immense amount of different textures, so I obviously and literally dreamed of this project and have spend quite a few hours (to my wife's dismay) realizing those dreams .  All this to say I have gone back and made corrections on this project constantly,...  and here are a few examples.

I moved the shadow from the wood scribe, added realism to the note and tweaked the mallet as well.


                                                                                        (yeah,..  that mallet still needs work)

 .... (on the left) wrong direction for the shadow,...


                                                                                                 .... better shadow (on the right).


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