Sunday, February 19, 2012

Eagle Owl / Horned Owl (fini)

My final impression of a Horned Owl (also known as an Eagle Owl).

... the most difficult part was (by far) the feet/claws/talons since I had to draw these from imagination with some minor study of owls in general (personally I am not pleased, but this is my best at the moment - I will certainly be working it more in the future).

Here are some minor improvements,...

In contras what I am truly happy with is the head and eyes,..

.... but maybe that is just me.

Friday, February 17, 2012

(eye on) an Owl

As I still work on completing this latest piece, here is a closeup,.. if it conveys a sense of a cold calculating stare that seemingly sees right through you, I suppose I have succeeded well.

This close up you can also get a idea of the pencil strokes/marks needed to give the correct illusion on the entire piece. It is turning out to be a minor complex project due to the downy feathers and all the different directions they fold to as well as all the different textures and markings.   I am loving it,..

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Horned Owl (wip)

Finding wisdom with life rushing through and right by me,..  maybe this is the inspiration I am seeking.