Monday, December 26, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wolfpack (wip)

Been looking around for what might be next and someone recently made me think of a wolf, I searched for wolf images and as soon as I saw this one, I was sold. I plan on tweaking it a little to make it my own and more to my liking.

Here is a close up of the one on the far left,...

... it is easy to see that one looks odd. I believe the eyes were too far apart and it gave it a human feel. All wrong,.. these aren't Werewolves,... just Timber Wolves.  So I corrected the eyes by bringing them in closer together and I shortened the jaw line as shown below, (not great, but better).

In the final product it is much better.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Equus fini

That was actually one of my most pleasant projects,.. kind of caught me by surprise, truly enjoyable.

I tried to thin the poor fellow down and hope I succeeded somewhat.

(used my usual tools, an HB & a 4B pencil, kneaded and pink erasers as well as a small tortillon for shading and blending, but truth be told I use my finger tips more).

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Adipal Equus

Closer and closer to completion,.. I've been on an odd sleeping schedule. I have a day job with normal daylight hours but have been going to bed very early which results in my being awake in the middle of the night hours.  So here we are with Equus,...

I still have a few tweaks,.. attempting to draw billowing snow (not sure I will get it right, but some texture will be better than not I suppose).  Finally, I need to admit my horse is a little heavy set, big boned, plump,.. lets just say it, he's fat. All my fault,..

Here are a few close ups as well,..

,... my final product will be next and soon.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Finally working on a new drawing.

Actually inspired by a friends love of horses,.

"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. "  
~  Winston Churchill

Thursday, September 22, 2011

What I've been up to,...

Just like everyone else, my life is busy, but I have still managed to play around with my art. Mostly I have been experimenting,...

Some dark stuff maybe,.. but I did try some more classic hatching, (thank you

More to come,...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Old Tree,... standing alone.

So I guess I am in a woodsy mood lately.
Here is another experiment,.. working with shadows and hard graphites (a combinaton of squirlkes and crosshatching),.. turns into a tree from the ground looking up.

This practice seems to have given it an antique look,.. or maybe it is just me. It somewhat represents my gloomy mood as well,.. but I think my next project will be a more cheerful one.

I used an HB, 4H and 6H graphite pencil, as well as a kneading eraser and a tortillon for blending in some areas.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Forest,.... (for the trees)

Here is a first time project for me. I had never worked with textured paper before, but it helped with the bark of the trees, I used an HB pencil with kneaded eraser. In all honesty it is a workshop image from,.. I might even post it there as an example.

Now I'll also be the first to admit it still needs work and if I do the fixes I am thinking about I will post them.

(the Bob&Tail project is still in the works - matter a fact I am doing two at once now. I'll keep you all posted.)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bob & Tail


Diane and I have two large cats,.. very large (20 pounders). Brothers with very distinct and different "personalities" (if cats have such a thing).

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Graphite to paper is the best therapy.

Considering I have too many ideas and thoughts and they are crowding my already indulgent imagination, it is time to let some of them out.

So lets start ,...
