Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mystery Girl (solved?)

If I am any good (or even moderately descent),.. you should hopefully be able to tell who this is by now.

I had thought it would take me so very much longer, but as it turns out my better half was away for three days/two nights and simply spent all my lone time working on this project.   My normal tools were an HB pencil, hard pink eraser and soft kneading eraser. I did the majority of the smudging with my finger tips but did use a tourtilon slightly, size is 18 x 24 (practically life size) on 80 lb.

Below are detailed close ups,....

.... finally
I believe
the eyes
are correct,...

The lips were however too challenging,.. I think they are passable but still a little off (probably because I have looked at them for hours,.. tweaking them this way and that way, draw a little, erase a little, stand back and observe,.. start over,..

I added some hand lines to create realism.

It may not need to be said, but for those of you that know me, you know I am certainly going to keep adjusting this work for as long as it is in front of me or until I move onto my next project.

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