Sunday, July 5, 2009

Churches (phase 1)

I've been on vacation, well to be accurate my spouse has been on vacation since I myself am on perpetual vacation being a stay-at-home-what-ever-I-am (presently employment challenged).

I have not worked any major new projects or attacked some pending ones, but I did do these sketches of local churches. They are all free hand, as my usual process is to grid a photo and transfer it to the drawing medium. The grid method does feel like a slightly cheating method to me but it does allow me to change the size of the original photo. Also, being freehand, my angles are a little off in some places and I took some minor liberties which will be hopefully indistinguishable.

Cornerstone Community Church

First Presbyterian Church

First United Methodist Church

They were all done with a simple HB and hard eraser on 9"x12" medium weight paper.

You might have noticed I entitled this post as "phase 1" since I will be posting more drawing/sketches of buildings in my home town. I chose these 3 to start with because they were so different in their architecture. There are many interesting buildings in and around Brewton,.. I will enjoy this long term project.

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