Here is where I was at when I started earlier,...

,... and here is where I finished today.

Well that is the art to date and what follows is a detail (bottom left hand) and some ramblings about what I have learned (there might even be a technique/trick there).
Darker pencils (B4, B6, B8) are something I could really have used here. Sadly all I had was HB's and a B2, however I did find a Conte #555 which helps make the dark areas as black as possible but does add a texture if I am not careful (you can see where that might have happened). Otherwise the #555 has been good as long as I use it lightly and blend it into the page strategically with a tourtillion (or for larger areas I use my fingers - can't seem to break that habit).
Also I have learned it is easier to "undraw" using a kneaded eraser or for more pronounced lines I use a pentel clic eraser which I cut at a sharp angle. This is seen in the detailed image below.

On a more personal note, I should mentioned how surprising it is (even for this artist) that when you look at a project as busy as this one is, how the details are sometimes insignificant on there own but the overall effect is wonderfully pleasant to the eye (at least I hope so).
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