,... and... so where was I. Oh yeah, my next project is started below. It is one I have wanted to do for a long time but never felt my skill level was good enough. However at some point you have to dive in and mess up to learn,.. so bare with me while I get this life lesson behind me.
.... a
of a
This project will have many layers, many phases,.. and lets be honest, many errors and corrections.
Yes the head is still too lite, yes the sleeve of the right arm is a little off putting (see closer details below),.. but the head is pail because I am still selecting a background or even if there will be one.
The second sleeve has more detail which seems acceptable, but the lower edge seems wrong for being so dark however against the guitar body it will be much more reasonable. Similar effect on the edge of the cuff but in the opposite order,.. the cuff seems unfinished but will be in contrast to the left sleeve which will be darker,... ... ... all this just to explain what I mentioned above on how this project will look incomplete or flat out wrong in many of its iterations until it is finished to my satisfaction.
For any interested parties who have been visiting my blog for the past 10-12 days, I owe you all an apology for my absence. Real Life took over for a while and I had too many ideas, thoughts and images stirring in my head, trying to juggle too many tasks, and sadly not managing it all too well,... BUT now major projects are finally back on track (decided to accept help) and personal illness is being remedied (nothing major, just wore myself down and got a severe ear infection) as for the inner workings of my mind,.. well it is as good as it is suppose to be I think.
cogito ergo sum
"I think therefore I am". - René Descartes