Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Inner Grizzly (completed)

Final product for the bear drawing.


My Inner Bear

So I have this large 80 lb paper (18x24) and when the thought of drawing a bear came to mind, the idea of drawing it (almost) life size was intriguing.  Turns out I would probably need paper twice that size,. these creatures are HUGE!   However I still feel drawing a large animal, on even just half scale, allows for details to come out as well as emotions.   So this is somewhat my mood I suppose,.. angry at life, screaming at the world, determined to be menacing enough to be left alone,...

(I drew this in about a weeks time, so this will be a single post progression,.. followed by a post to show the final product).

Close ups were maybe more interesting on this drawing,.. the particular details due to the size are more easily seen.


Tools used:   HB and 4B graphite pencil, kneading and pink erasers. Felt a little lazy to experiment on this one, other than playing with the detail of the fur.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Wolfpack (fini)

Of course you knew I could not let it go,.. here is the final product.

I darkened the eyes, added some detail to the bodies and more definition to the snouts,.. well worth the time I believe.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Wolfpack -or- Couples out for a meal.

I believe this is done.  I often find myself going back to what I thought were finished works,.. I always see improvements to be made in my dreams.  However, I truly believe this one is done.

These duplicate faces were a little challenging,.. they are similar but different and I often went back to the previous faces to tweak the eyes or nose.  All in all it was fun though.

Here are some closeups of the pairs, I like to imagine they are two couples even though wolves in courtships have been observed to often isolate themselves from the pack only to come together for feedings.    Hope this image does not make you too worried,...



Monday, January 2, 2012

Wolfpack (wip) Trois

Been up a lot at night and have been spending that time with my Woldpack.  Slowly but surely they are emerging from the snowy woods.

Almost done with the basis for the wolves,.. then I'll work in the background and final touches for the wolves.  I hope to have the completed image project the wolves forward and if I get a quiet strong menacing feel, then I will have succeeded.

,.... grrrrrr.